May: Fire Moon

By May it has now become cold enough over most of South Africa that a fire must be lit every night to keep people warm.

The ability to make a fire with which to cook food and to keep warm is a skill humans have had for many millennia.

South Africans are no exception and a fire not only has a practical use but also serves as a social focal point for the family.

The Fire Moon in May occurs only twice during the period 2020–2050.

The first Full Moon in May is the Frost Moon.

Date of Fire Moon (2020–2050)

2026 May 31, 10:48

2045 May 30, 19:54

Heritage Full Moons in South Africa

MonthFirst Full MoonSecond Full Moon
JanuaryMantis MoonLeopard Moon
FebruaryDassie Moon——
MarchHarvest MoonOchre Moon
AprilDiamond MoonGold Moon
MayFrost MoonFire Moon
JuneSisters MoonHoney Moon
JulyMeerkat MoonProtea Moon
AugustPeace MoonDusty Moon
SeptemberSpring MoonBlue Crane Moon
OctoberWhale MoonElephant Moon
NovemberMilk MoonWool Moon
DecemberSpringbok MoonEland Moon

Protecting South Africa’s astronomical heritage

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