
At the Centre, one of our objectives is to promote education about, and raise public awareness of, South Africa’s astronomical heritage. We think of “outreach” as a broad term encompassing:

  1. in-person engagement with an audience (e.g. interviews; public speaking; sidewalk astronomy; site tours),
  2. the presentation of online media (e.g. conducting a social media campaign; serving content to Wikipedia & Google Earth Historical Imagery), and
  3. the promotion of the celebration of astronomical anniversaries (including informing local government organizations about their particular astronomical heritage resources).

Virtual observatory tours

Join us on a virtual guided tour of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) in Cape Town. The SAAO grew out of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, which was established in 1820.

Watch the tour on YouTube
Guided by Prof Ian Glass we explore all the major telescopes still on site, including the McClean Dome & Victoria Telescope (1896), the 6-inch (1882), the 13-inch Astrographic (1890). the 18-inch & 6-inch Merz (1887), the 4-inch Photoheliograph (1847) and Gill’s Reversible Transit Circle (RTC; 1905).

Currently active projects

  1. South African Heritage Full Moons [MOON001ZAF20F]

Completed projects

  1. Traditional Star Lore of Africa
  2. Astronomy of Ancient Egypt
  3. A Story about Crux


The Centre took part in Citizen Science day on 2018 April 14 at the Old Mutual Conference Centre at Kirstenbosch.
The Centre took part in Citizen Science day on 2018 April 14 at the Old Mutual Conference Centre at Kirstenbosch.
Christine Kersting presenting a talk on the Centre’s work at Boyden Observatory, during the Southern Star Party (2019 September 28) at Leeuwenboschfontein.

Protecting South Africa’s astronomical heritage

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